Cloud Backup For Higher Education

Cloud Backup For Higher Education | CloudAlly
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Backup for Salesforce and Office 365 Solution Gives IBA Conviction in the Cloud

Sean Bates the former ICT Manager, Australian Institute of Business (AIB), understood that Cloud Backup For Higher Education he worked for was paramount.

Using powerful business solutions like Microsoft Office 365 and can pose significant data protection challenges for an organization.  While Microsoft provides every precaution possible to safeguard their clients business data, it’s indeed very difficult for Microsoft to administer and supervise occurrences on the customer side, like accidental & malicious deletion.  The enormous risks in data loss on  cloud applications are tremendous, but can be minimized greatly with cloud to cloud backup.

AIB ICT manager recognized the possible issues & problems and adopted backup as an imperative organisation task, so that all relevant data records, intellectual property, sales information, research, and general communication would remain safe & secure, (and available to restore from any point-in-time).

View the complete customer story…

to learn why this upstanding higher educational institution chose CloudAlly for its cloud to cloud backup & restore needs.  Read about the reasons CloudAlly was chosen to provide this backup, its excellent customer support, and learn how and why the experts choose CloudAlly for backup on the cloud, to safeguard against data loss.




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