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July 14, 2021

In the Media

"Simple, Secure Data Backup App for Salesforce [In-Depth Review "

Salesforce Ben review CloudAlly Salesforce Backup Solution.

“With a simple and straightforward user experience, CloudAlly has been providing Salesforce backup for over a decade now. Their full commitment to stringent security and data protection means they have acquired all key security certifications.”

“CloudAlly backups are securely stored in Amazon S3 and customers can also choose between AWS US, EU, Canada, UK, and Australia data centers to comply with data privacy requirements. That’s how they can achieve a 99% system uptime.”


“With various Salesforce backup tools emerging on the market, ensuring all your needs, as a customer, are met is not an easy task. However, CloudAlly successfully meets the criteria to easily be viewed as a top provider.

You can benefit from CloudAlly’s complete functionality for free, for 14 days, by signing up for their trial – it’s surely worth taking for a spin!”

A girl

Article Author: Andreea Doroftei


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