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Microsoft Cloud Storage
Microsoft 365 | CloudAlly
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Microsoft Cloud Storage

End-to-end automated or on-demand backup of all your M365 data (Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks), SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Office Groups & Teams. Metadata included.

Anytime/anywhere non-destructive restore from any point-in-time, granular level, or across users to any storage (Our Amazon S3, Azure, Google Cloud Platform). Plus unlimited data retention. 

Exceptional Customer Service real-person, responsive, 365x24x7 to resolve all your Office 365 backup queries. Dedicated Customer Hub with video tutorials and a detailed knowledge base.

Secure and Certified with Microsoft-mandated OAuth and MFA/2FA support. ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR compliant. Global data centers of your choice. Secure Amazon AWS S3 Encryption.  And, Immutable Storage – Object- Lock minimize the accidental or malicious loss of data. 

Want to discuss further?

Call us: USA + 1 424 304-1959   UK +44 114 303 2758  AUS +612 8599 2233   
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Microsoft Cloud Backup - Testimonial

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"CloudAlly Saved the Day!"

“We actually just had a customer hit by Ransomware who managed to get to recover their data with CloudAlly SharePoint Online backups. With a few clicks we were able to restore all the affected data. Big win for Cloudally!”
Robert Vance
DMS iTech
microsoft cloud backup