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June 04, 2021

In the Media

"Improving Microsoft Office 365 Backups – Top Backup Solutions for Data Protection"

Many companies use Microsoft 365 but their own Microsoft advises customers to use third-party backup options as it only guarantees the availability of its service and not the retention of customer data. 

A user prefers a way to overcome data issues, and the preferable method is a cloud-based solution. People are already shifting their mindset to moving from home to the cloud for their applications and taking a similar approach to data backup and protection.

CloudAlly was ranked in the five best Office 365 Cloud Backup Providers list.

CloudAlly is an exceptional cloud backup solution that covers a wide range of products including G Suite, Office365,, Dropbox, Salesforce, and Amazon AWS. It allows data to be exported and stored locally at your computer or restored to your Google account.

“CloudAlly launched its product in 2011. The company specializes in online backup services such as Salesforce, Box, Google Workspace, and Dropbox.

CloudAlly offers discounts on more than 100 backup accounts. If you have more than 50 users, the products include all the features, but if you have less than 50 users, you will have to pay an additional fee for extra space in 10 GB extras.

CloudAlly has some key features such as the user role and reporting systems that are very good however its reliance on cloud based technology means it has no support for offline mode, it has limitations on bandwidth and no universal tariff.”


Microsoft does not provide Office 365 backup. By default, this will protect your data for 30-90 days. Imagine when companies find out that their items disappear after a while.

If you are not aware of how the system works, your organization may believe that a backup was created when it was not. That’s why backup and restore are so important, especially in Microsoft Office 365.

Apparently, the majority of Office 365 users are looking for a SaaS backup solution that is easy-to-use, comprehensive, and fast to deploy – an Microsoft Office 365 backup that prevents any unwanted threats and that will keep your critical data safe.”

Jahan of CloudAlly

Article Author: Jahan

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