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Mar 31, 2020

In the Media

"Which 3rd-Party Backup Tool Should You Use With Your SharePoint Site?"

Codeasite  examined the advantages and disadvantages of four of their favorite cloud backup tools.

CloudAlly selected as one of the top 4.

“You and your team use Office 365 for its collaborative tools and superior reliability, regulatory compliance, and security. With multiple data centers around the world and guaranteed 99.9% scheduled uptimes, Office 365 is an extremely reliable platform that is accessible on pretty much all devices. But let’s say one of your teammates accidentally deletes a seemingly unnecessary file and forgets about it. Months later, you need that file but your teammate forgot about deleting it and now you have to scramble to remember what was on it. 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the deletion. Data loss is still a serious issue to consider, even with Office 365’s reliable platform, so a 3rd-party backup tool is truly a necessity.”


“For your Office 365 backup tool, we recommend that you reflect on your team’s situation (number of accounts, size of each account, budget, etc.) and then choose the backup tool that fits your situation. If your budget allows it and your data necessitates it, we at Code A Site suggest that you and your team use either CloudAlly or SkyKick because of their unlimited storage, low monthly price, and transfer of file permissions to restorations. We’ve used these backup services for some of our client’s backups before and have been very pleased with the results, and the support both providers supply.”

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